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5.1 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the estimates and assumptions

PZU AR 2020 > Results > Supplementary information and notes > 5. Key accounting policies, key estimates and judgments > 5.1 Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the estimates and assumptions
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The PZU Group assessed the adopted estimates and assumptions taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individual line items of assets and liabilities, revenues and costs. Considering the significant uncertainty regarding the further development of the economic situation, the adopted estimates are subject to change.

The table below presents the elements of the consolidated financial statements impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and points to notes in which detailed disclosures regarding the respective issues are presented.

Note no. Area Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on PZU Group’s activities Interest rate risk Reduction of net interest income due to interest rate cuts.
7.5.4 Liquidity risk Increase in banking sector’s liquidity. No significant influence on the insurance operations of the PZU Group.
9.3 Fair value hierarchy The increased volatility in the financial markets, reduced liquidity of some segments resulted in the reclassification of some assets to lower fair value levels.
27.3 Goodwill The impairment losses for goodwill following from the acquisition of Alior Bank and Bank Pekao SA.
28 Intangible assets The impairment losses for intangible assets following from the acquisition of Alior Bank.
32.2 Investment property Decrease in the transaction volume and liquidity in the real estate market. As at 31 December 2020 some sectors returned to business as usual.
38.1.1 Expected credit losses – loan receivables from clients, investment financial assets The adverse impact on the economy that may exacerbate the financial standing of some borrowers. The PZU Group has modified its approach to the calculation of expected credit losses taking into account, among others:
  • projections of macroeconomic assumptions, such as the expected level of the economic slowdown, GDP, employment, house prices, disruptions in capital markets;
  • possible disruptions in operations resulting from decisions made by state institutions, businesses and consumers to limit the spread of the pandemic;
  • effectiveness of the aid programs for businesses and consumers.
Deterioration of the macroeconomic situation was reflected in changes of the PD and LGD parameters. Moratoria for loan repayments by clients were introduced.
41.2 Technical provisions In the calculation of its technical provisions, the PZU Group monitors, among other things:
  • mortality, morbidity and accident rates;
  • unemployment rate;
  • rate of return on assets covering the technical provisions.
In the case of life insurance, some assumptions have been revised (technical rate, method of calculation of the provisions for the group insurance portfolio and mortality data). For group insurance, a provision for unexpired risk has been established.