Lietuvos Draudimas AB.
Quotient of the debt from long-term financial liabilities (excl. bank deposits, deposit certificates and credit received in connection with the preferential financing of loans) and the sum of: debt from long-term financial liabilities and PZU Group’s equity less: the value of intangible assets, deferred acquisition costs and deferred tax assets, which have been presented in consolidated financial statements of PZU Group.
Loss given default, expressed as a percentage of the total exposure in case of a counterparty’s insolvency.
Link4 Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń SA.
Magdalena Komaracka, IR Director, tel. +48 (22) 582 22 93
Piotr Wiśniewski, IR Manager, tel. +48 (22) 582 26 23
Aleksandra Jakima-Moskwa, tel. +48 (22) 582 26 17
Aleksandra Dachowska, tel. +48 (22) 582 43 92
Piotr Wąsiewicz, tel. +48 (22) 582 41 95