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34. Loan receivables from clients

PZU AR 2020 > Results > Supplementary information and notes > 34. Loan receivables from clients
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34.1 Accounting policy

Loan receivables from clients are measured at the end of the reporting period as follows:

  • at fair value through other comprehensive income – assets that satisfy the SPPI test and classified in a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling the asset,
  • at fair value through profit or loss – assets that do not pass the SPPI test because of the contractual financial leverage element that increases volatility of cash flows (this applies among others to student loans, loans with subsidies from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture and some corporate exposures);
  • at amortized cost – for other assets that satisfy the SPPI test and are held to obtain contractual cash flows.

Information on the SPPI test is presented in section 36.1.1.

Interest on loan receivables from clients measured at amortized cost or at fair value through other comprehensive income, accrued using the effective interest rate, are recognized in the profit and loss account, in the “Net investment income” item.

The change in the fair value of loan receivables from clients is recognized:

  • for those measured at fair value through other comprehensive income – in revaluation reserve;
  • for those measured at fair value through profit or loss – in the profit and loss account in the “Net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value” item.

Information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the calculation of the expected credit losses on loan receivables from clients is presented in section 38.1.1.

Modification of financial assets

If terms and conditions of a financial asset agreement change, the modified and original cash flows are compared. If the identified difference is material then the original financial asset is removed from the statement of financial position and the modified financial asset is recognized at its fair value. 

The result as at the date of determining the effects of a material modification is presented in the consolidated profit and loss account under “Result on derecognition of financial instruments and investments”. 

Otherwise, the modification does not result in removing the financial asset from the statement of financial position; just the new gross carrying amount is calculated and the result from the modification is recognized in the consolidated profit and loss account in the “Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate” line item.

The assessment whether the modification of financial assets is material or immaterial is conditional upon satisfaction of certain qualitative and quantitative criteria.

The following criteria are used to assess the materiality of modifications:

  • qualitative – change of currency (unless it results from existing contractual provisions or requirements of the applicable legal regulations), change (replacement) of debtor (except for addition/resignation of a joint debtor or inheritance of a loan), consolidation of several exposures into a single one under an annex or an arrangement/ restructuring agreement, change of the interest type;
  • quantitative – among others % thresholds of margin change, increase of the financing amount and changes in the residual financing period.

Occurrence of at least one of these criteria results in a material modification.

34.2. Quantitative data

Loan receivables from clients 31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Measured at amortized cost 195,626 193,244
Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 1,475 1,381
Measured at fair value through profit or loss 187 243
Total loan receivables from clients 197,288 194,868

Loan receivables from clients 31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Retail segment 110,230 105,912
Operating loans 244 234
Consumer Finance 27,286 29,416
Consumer finance loans 3,852 2,778
Loan to purchase securities 26 65
Overdrafts in credit card accounts 993 1,087
Loans for residential real estate 76,782 71,301
Other mortgage loans 772 807
Other receivables 275 224
Business segment 87,058 88,956
Operating loans 26,722 32,760
Car financing loans 4 11
Investment loans 27,295 26,820
Receivables purchased (factoring) 7,049 6,524
Overdrafts in credit card accounts 56 71
Loans for residential real estate 233 190
Other mortgage loans 10,641 9,278
Financial lease 12,330 10,985
Other receivables 2,728 2,317
Total loan receivables from clients 197,288 194,868