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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
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Social capital

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PZU Group’s social commitment

PZU AR 2020 > Capitals (IIRC) > Social capital > PZU Group’s social commitment
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Sponsorship and prevention - “prevention and sponsorship activities may take place solely in accordance with the binding regulations of law and the principles laid down in the PZU Group’s internal regulations. For many years now we have been administering our own prevention programs and we support projects that propagate safe behavior on the road and water and in the mountains. The high-profile PZU Foundation also acts charitably to benefit private persons and non-profit organizations. We also cooperate with organizations that help local communities”.
„Being a leader means not only acting responsibly but also forging appropriate models. This is a particularly important social commitment for insurance companies. Social investments were executed in the insurance industry long before management experts called them social commitment based on the concept of corporate shared value."

Joanna Gorczyca, Director of the Sustainable Development Department

PZU Group’s policies [Accounting Act]

[GRI 103-2]

It is an ambition of PZU to retain our leadership position in prevention activities when it comes to safety and health in Poland. Apart from the sponsorship and charitable activity pursued by the PZU Foundation, the whole Group is engaged also in social investments, which serve risk reduction and at the same time bring commercial and social benefits. The major objective of these initiatives is to prevent accidents, reduce their repercussions and support activities advancing preventive health care.


The prevention fund of PZU, PZU Życie and TUW PZUW operates under the Act of 11 September 2015 on Insurance and Reinsurance Activity

Prevention activities

The following are the strategic pillars of PZU’s social participation: (road, public, local) safety, health, culture and professional knowledge, which are reflected in the activity pursued by PZU Group entities. According to its strategy adopted for 2017–2020, the PZU Group planned to designate more than PLN 50 million per annum for social activities from the budgets of PZU and PZU Życie. In 2020, PZU and PZU Życie spent over PLN 77 million on prevention and sponsorship activities, and their employees offered 6,743 hours of volunteering. The sense of social responsibility of PZU employees and the participation in numerous programs of the Foundation, which thanks to that can provide educational support, reinforces integration and local social capital, make us proud. The PZU Foundation is involved in social activities according to its motto: “Close to people and their needs” and executes aid programs in cooperation with non-governmental organizations.


The PZU Foundation operates on the basis of the Act of 6 April 1984 on Foundations (Journal of Laws of 1991, Number 46, Item 203 as amended) and of the clauses of the Foundation’s Articles of Association.

An important part of PZU’s activity is engagement of employees, advisers and customers in initiatives for the benefit of local communities. PZU focuses on projects that support positive social changes in the area of safety, health and education. Prevention, sponsorship and social actions are pursued at the corporate level by PZU and its various entities in Poland and abroad. PZU supports the Polish culture by means of numerous patronages and participates actively in major industry activities as an expert.


Bank Pekao carries out its charitable activity largely through the Doctor Marian Kanton Bank Pekao Foundation, which was established in 1997. The bank also cooperates directly with several public benefit organizations, to which it gives donations the support their statutory activities.

The issues of corporate social responsibility are regulated by the PZU Group in the “PZU Group’s corporate social responsibility strategy for 2018–2020”, which specifies the strategic pillars of PZU’s social commitment. The “PZU Group’s corporate social responsibility strategy for 2018–2020” has been adopted by PZU, PZU Życie, Tower Investments, PZU CO, PZU LAB and PZU Pomoc. From 2021 on, the document will be replaced with a new “ESG Strategy” covering a period corresponding to the timeframe of the PZU Group’s business strategy.

There is no single policy on charitable and sponsorship activity in force at the Group level.

No single policy

[GRI 102-12]

GRI 102-1