PZU Group’s policies [Accounting Act]
[GRI 103-2]
A PZU’s ambition, as defined in the “New PZU” strategy for 2017-2020 is to be the Employer of first choice in the financial industry. The Group wants to hire the best and most engaged staff on the market and attain a high level of retention of the most talented people in the organization. For this to be plausible, strategic actions targeting employees have been phased:
Sustainable Development Goals, SDG
Objective 8. We promulgate stable, sustainable and inclusive economic growth through full and productive employment and dignified work for all.
e-mail: IR@pzu.pl
Magdalena Komaracka, IR Director, tel. +48 (22) 582 22 93
Piotr Wiśniewski, IR Manager, tel. +48 (22) 582 26 23
Aleksandra Jakima-Moskwa, tel. +48 (22) 582 26 17
Aleksandra Dachowska, tel. +48 (22) 582 43 92
Piotr Wąsiewicz, tel. +48 (22) 582 41 95